Title: The Jungle book
Author:Rudyard Kipling
Sammary: their was a family that go in jungle and a tiger want to eat man cub! So he jump down to that family. The parents fear and run away left the baby their. But when the tiger look around thhe baby was gone! the man cub went to wolf family and father wolf take him with them. when there are pack wolf all the child wolf and maokre went to the fort stone . Maokre be with the wolf
for a long time. After 1o years later maokre can talk with animals. He play with monkey and the monkey steal maokre form baloo( the bear), and panther. they had a fight with the monkey and baloo won. He tell maokre that some day he will go to village that he came form.
After about 2 years later he went back to his village but the people in village let he be the people who take care the cows and buffaloes . The boss of wolf tell him that the tiger will kill him. But the tiger fail his work. He die by the buffaloes and cows step on his body and die. Maokre alive and live in village.