Title: HOLES
Author: Louis Sachar
This story is about a boy named Stanlee Yellnuts who was innocently caught for stealing a pear of shoe. He was sent to jail in the desert. When he reached the prison, he saw kids digging. The sheriff came out of the house and told him what he had to do and the rules. What he had to do was to dig a hole 17.5 ft deep each day. While he was digging, he found a friend. His name was Zero. Zero told him that each day, he would finish digging faster and faster. And then he found other friends. The next day while he was digging, he found a dial of a safe box. He then asked Zero what it was able to trade for. Zero told him that if you every found anything, you could get the rest of the day of. Then a kid named X-ray came and took it. The next day in the morning, X-ray showed the sheriff the dial of a safe box. X-ray then got a whole day of. Stanlee felt envy for him because of that he was the one who found it. The next day, Stanlee asked Zero what his real name was. His real name was Hector Zeroni but didn’t know how to spell it. Stanlee told him that he could teach him. Zero told him that he could dig for Stanlee and they agreed. Each day they followed the deal until one of the sheriff’s helper saw Zero digging for Stanlee so he called them both. The sheriff provokes Zero and made Zero angry. Zero then picked up a shuffle and hit him in the head which knocked him out and then ran away. Stanlee tried to run to but he was caught and had to dig 2 holes per day. The next day, Stanlee stole the car which is used to bring food to the cafeteria and raced away. He then drove into a hole so he opened the door and ran away. For not long, he found Zero under a boat. Stanlee brought him some water. Then Stanlee told Zero that while his grandfather was lost in the desert, he found food under god’s thumb. No one knew what his grandfather was saying but they both believed it. Then they got out of the boat and went to god’s thumb. It took the whole day and they found onions and water. They both slept there for 4 nights then headed back to the prison. They both stole 2 shuffles and then started digging at the hole Stanlee found the dial of a safe box. They were digging until Stanlee found it. There were a bunch of lizards on it. At that time, the sheriff and his helpers came and then saw them with the lizards. Zero and Stanlee both stood still. When the sun rose, Stanlee’s lawyers came. Zero and Stanlee both slowly got out of the hole with the box. The lawyers took the sheriff and his helpers away to jail because they were criminals. The lawyers took Zero and Stanlee away to Zero’s grandfather’s repair shop. Zero’s grandfather cracked the lock of the box and saw a lot of jewels and money in it. There was about a trillion dollars in it and they both shared it. Then there parents came and then took them home. They used the money to buy a big house and each day they would go there to meet each other.
I enjoyed reading the book a lot. I like reading it because it is a book which contains entertainment and a lot of words for me to learn.
I would like my friend in another school to read it because he likes reading bookes the are adventerous.