Midnight on the moon
Author: Mary Pope Osborn
Annie wake up and saw a figure on the Moon, So Annie wake her brother up. Jack,Annie's brother ask why she has to wake him up and Annie said that she saw some figure on the moon. Annie wait jack at Magic tree house where the adventure start. When Jack come to Magic tree house. They start to climbing up the ladder to tree house. When they climbing to the house, they start to think about the fourth "M" to free Morgan. Jack take out the "Hello Moon" book and said "I want to go to the Moon. Then they are in the Moon and they are in space ship. Jack and Annie climbing to get a space suits. They put the space suits, helmets and quickly stepped out onto the moon. When Jack and Annie walk in the Moon, footprint are every where. Jack said to Annie that the Moon has no rain and wind. Annie laughing and jump around like a rabbit. Jack read and Annie take the book to drop it. Jack run to get it. Annie saw the car and ride it with Jack. She ride and saw a American flag. Jack said that it was no water, trees and clouds. Then Jack saw a Moon Man and called Annie. They run away, but the Moon Man is friendly too. Jack and Annie know the fourth "M" and they Bye!Bye! Moon Man.
Now they are in a Magic tree house. Jack and Annie know now the "M" is not map, but it is mouse. Now they free Morgan. Morgan thanks them and Jack said Good Bye Moon Man.
Thank you for reading my book report.