Title: The Carnival
Auothor: Lukchop
There has a 2 girl she are twins name is Reindeer and Santa.One day Reindeer and Santa mom want Santa to marry with her friend son but Santa doesn't want to marry so she switch with Reindeer and Santa want Reindeer to deny this man for her but it a secert.This man name is i when Reindeer found him she really don't like him because he look bad and dirty.2 months later Reindeer falls in love with i now he told Reindeer that he love her but she think he love her in name of Santa.Now Reindeer when to venice with i and his friend and Reindeer told i that she not Santa she is Reindeer and i was shock.Reindeer run away and think that i will hate her for sure but no i come to find Reindeer and told her that he love the people that name is Reindeer not Santa so they come backto thailand and marry together.
I like this book because it a love story and fun.
I will recommend this book to my sister because she like love story.
Auothor: Lukchop
There has a 2 girl she are twins name is Reindeer and Santa.One day Reindeer and Santa mom want Santa to marry with her friend son but Santa doesn't want to marry so she switch with Reindeer and Santa want Reindeer to deny this man for her but it a secert.This man name is i when Reindeer found him she really don't like him because he look bad and dirty.2 months later Reindeer falls in love with i now he told Reindeer that he love her but she think he love her in name of Santa.Now Reindeer when to venice with i and his friend and Reindeer told i that she not Santa she is Reindeer and i was shock.Reindeer run away and think that i will hate her for sure but no i come to find Reindeer and told her that he love the people that name is Reindeer not Santa so they come backto thailand and marry together.
I like this book because it a love story and fun.
I will recommend this book to my sister because she like love story.