Secrets and Surprises
Strawberry ran to Friendship for meeting. When she open the door every one start the meeting. Then Ginger snap open the door and Strawberry said that Ginger hair clip is beautiful. Angel cake ask Ginger where she got her hair clip. Ginger said that she got it at the door and it don't have card, its a mystery. The meeting today is about Crepes suzette is coming to visit frienship club and they will have a party. When the meeting finish Blueberry sloving the mystery and try to find the blues. The next day orange Blossom saw a box at the door step and when she open she got a ring, in the box. It don't have any card too. Today Angel cake came to strawberry's house. When strawberry open the door, she saw bag and she ask Angel cake that she gave her.Angel said that she didn't gave her. Then Strawberry open it and saw a pink hair clip, its don't have card too. Now Blueberry have to quickly sloving the mystery before pary. The next afternoon strawberry call all her friends to plans the party. The next day Strawberry and Angel bake the strawberry cake. Blueberry found a box and when she open she found a locket. Angel was very sad that she didn't got a box like every body else, her face went red and she run away. The next day Huck came to Angel cake house. The first time Angel didn't open the door and then she open the door for Huck.
Now Angel got the box, it is a earing. Now it time for the party, Crepes suzette came and said that she is the person who gave the box. she joy the party and strawberry said it was not a secret that she was a friends around the world.
Thank you for reading my book report.
gooddddd!!!! :]